
23.Learn about cleft lip and palate, diagnosis and treatment direction

Learn about cleft lip and palate, diagnosis and treatment direction

Cleft lip and cleft palate deform the face, affecting aesthetics.  Not only that, this malformation also negatively affects the mental and physical development of the patient.

Cleft lip and cleft palate can significantly affect the ability to speak, eat and drink.  However, with today’s modern technology, you can completely diagnose early and effectively treat this defect.

Cleft lip and cleft palate affect the patient's ability to speak and appearance

Although cleft palate and cleft lip are not life-threatening, they can make it difficult for patients to eat and drink every day.  Moreover, it can affect the ability to communicate, make patients lack confidence, difficult to integrate into the community.  Children need to be diagnosed and treated properly and at the right time to ensure the best results.

1. Learn about cleft lip and cleft palate

Cleft palate affects the mental and physical development of the patient.  Parents need to be provided with adequate knowledge and good guidance so that child care will become easier.  Please read along to learn more about this anomaly in the content right below! 

1.1. What is cleft lip and cleft palate?

Cleft lip and cleft palate make the tissues of the lips or mouth appear abnormal

A condition where the tissues of the lips or mouth do not form properly during fetal development is called cleft lip and cleft palate.  A cleft lip is a condition in which the lips are open rather than closed together as usual.  Particularly, a condition where there is a gap between the nasal cavity and the roof of the mouth is called a cleft palate.  This is a birth defect that occurs during fetal development and when the baby is born.

Typically, cleft lip and cleft palate can occur on one or both sides of the mouth and come in three forms:

  • The patient has cleft palate but no cleft lip.
  • Children with cleft lips but no cleft palate.
  • The patient experienced both cleft lip and cleft palate.

Cleft lip and cleft palate are the most common head birth defects.  Depending on the width/narrowing of the cleft, the patient may experience effects such as:

  • Facial aesthetics are affected: The slits can deform the nose, lips, jawbone, alveolar bone, misalignment, shift teeth, etc., causing the face to deform.
  • The functional activities are not good: The patient may have lisp, hearing loss, the child has difficulty eating, sucking, etc.
  • Psychologically affected negatively: Patients have low self-esteem, difficulty in integrating into the community, etc., affecting daily life and future career opportunities. 

1.2. Diagnostic measures for cleft lip and cleft palate

Pregnant women can have an ultrasound to diagnose early cleft lip defects (if any) of the fetus

Cleft lip and cleft palate are most easily recognized after birth without needing to be diagnosed through special testing.  However, we can screen and diagnose this defect earlier from the time the baby is still in the womb thanks to ultrasound.

 Mothers can perform prenatal ultrasound to see images of the development of the fetus. During an ultrasound, sound waves are used to create an image of the fetus.  The doctor can rely on ultrasound images to detect differences (if any) in the facial structure of the fetus.

 A cleft lip can be detected on ultrasound around the 13th week of pregnancy.  Particularly, cleft palate can be difficult to recognize through ultrasound images.  If a cleft palate is found, your doctor may recommend taking a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus for testing.  This is to more accurately check if the baby has a genetic syndrome that increases the risk of other birth defects. 

2. Causes of disease

Many researchers believe that the cause of cleft lip and cleft palate is transmission

Until now, the exact cause of cleft lip and cleft palate is unknown.  However, there are many studies that suggest that the cause of this malformation is a combination of environmental and genetic factors.  In it, the main role lies in the genetic factor.

If there is a family member with cleft lip and cleft palate, there is a high chance that the child will also inherit the gene that causes this defect.  In some cases, children carry genes that can cause cleft lip and cleft palate.  Then certain factors from the environment (such as maternal infection, radiation exposure during pregnancy, smoking, drinking alcohol, not providing enough vitamins…) promote this malformation to occur.

Cleft lip and cleft palate usually occur around the first 3 months of pregnancy.  Normally, during the second and third months of pregnancy, the tissues that make up the roof of the mouth and lips join together.  In fetuses with cleft lip and cleft palate, this fusion will be partial or unsuccessful, resulting in a cleft.

Most cases of cleft lip and palate in babies can be improved, helping to restore a near-normal appearance and function.  Find out about these solutions right away in the content below!

3. Treatment direction

Families need to care and take care of their children to make the process easier and more effective

The condition of cleft lip and cleft palate can be completely treated and overcome with appropriate solutions.  However, it is necessary to have good cooperation from the family and the coordination of many specialties for the most effective comprehensive treatment of people with this deformity.

The treatment process for cleft lip and cleft palate includes surgical correction of the cleft lip and palate.  A treatment plan will be given based on the specific condition of each child.  The doctor will repair the cleft first, then may continue to recommend surgery to improve speech, helping to improve facial aesthetics.  The usual surgical procedure is as follows:

Within the first 3 to 6 months, the doctor will repair the patient’s lips.

When your baby is 12 months old (or earlier depending on your child’s condition), the doctor will repair the cleft palate.

Between the ages of 2 and the end of the teen years, the patient can have a follow-up surgery.

Surgical measures to treat cleft lip and cleft palate

Surgical measures to help reshape the mouth more normal

There are many surgical options available to treat cleft lip and cleft palate.  Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor will apply the appropriate method in the following measures:

  • Depending on the degree of deformity and the patient’s situation, the doctor will perform an appropriate procedure to help close the cup and rebuild the palate.  The doctor will make an incision on both sides of the cleft, then rearrange the muscles and tissues, repair and sew closed.
  • Lip repair: The doctor makes incisions on both sides of the cleft, creating flaps of tissue to close the separation of the lips.  The flaps and muscles of the lips are sewn together for more normal lip structure, shape and function.  At this stage, the doctor can simultaneously conduct the initial rhinoplasty for the patient if needed.
  • Reconstructive surgery: This is an additional form of surgery that helps to shape the mouth, nose and lips to improve the beauty of the face.
  • Ear tube surgery: The doctor places small tubes in the eardrum to create an opening to prevent fluid from accumulating.  This is often done to reduce the risk of chronic ear disease and hearing loss in patients with cleft lip and palate. 

With the current advanced level of medical development, cleft lip and palate can be diagnosed and treated effectively early on.  This has great significance to help patients overcome the problems caused by this deformity.  At the same time, the attention and care of the family and society will help children with this deformity have a better chance of treatment and fuller development. 


21.What needs to be done to fix the condition of a slightly chipped tooth?

What needs to be done to fix the condition of a slightly chipped tooth?

Slightly protruding teeth make the face less perfect.  However, you should not worry too much because there are many solutions to effectively overcome this situation.

There are many ways to improve the condition of slightly protruding teeth, to make your face more balanced and attractive.  Let’s read the article to know how to recognize protruding teeth and learn solutions to fix it! 

Răng hô nhẹ làm ảnh hưởng nét thẩm mỹ của tổng thể khuôn mặt
Protruding teeth affect the aesthetics of the overall face

The state of mild or severe protrusion affects the overall harmony of the face more or less.  This can make you lose confidence when communicating, affecting your studies and work.  Today’s article summarizes information about mild protrusion and effective solutions.  Please read the same reference and do not forget to share with friends and relatives if you find it useful!

1. What is the condition of slightly protruding teeth?

Mild protrusion is a condition in which the upper teeth protrude slightly from the lower teeth

Protruding teeth (also known as protruding teeth) is a form of malocclusion.  Specifically, the upper teeth protrude too much compared to the lower teeth, the correlation ratio between the two molars is not standard.

At a mild level, the upper teeth protrude not too much compared to the lower teeth.  The incisor part instead of growing vertically as usual, it will be slightly forward.  We often observe closely to realize that the protruding teeth is at a mild level.

Although it is difficult to recognize, this imperfection of teeth also slightly affects the beauty of the overall face.  Especially when smiling or talking, you can be shy and lack confidence in your teeth.

So how do you recognize the condition of protruding teeth to have the earliest and most effective solution possible?  Readers, find out in the content right below! 

2. How to recognize slightly protruding teeth?

You can tell the status of protruding teeth by looking at the angle of the teeth

The signs to know if the teeth are protruding or not will help you determine the condition of your teeth more correctly.  From there, you can go to the dentist for advice and fix the problem as soon as possible.

You can take a closer look at your teeth from the side to check if the teeth are protruding.  The most obvious manifestation is the slightly protruding front teeth.  Some other signs of protruding teeth include:

  • The upper jaw is normal but the lower jaw is inverted.
  • The upper jaw protrudes first while the lower jaw is normal.
  • Two-jaw status.
  • Another cause of protrusion is due to misaligned teeth, wrong correlation in the anterior – posterior direction of the two jaw bones.
  • The teeth come forward (this is called tooth displacement).
  • The upper jaw bone is in the correct position but the lower jaw bone grows backward.  This is a respiratory condition caused by the lower jaw bone.
  • Another cause of breathing is the upper jaw bone.  In this case, the lower jaw bone is in the correct position while the upper jaw develops protruding forward.
  • The lower jaw bone recedes inward, the upper jaw bone develops and protrudes forward. This is a respiratory condition caused by both the upper and lower jaw bones. 

Many cases of mild protrusion are difficult to see with the naked eye if not carefully observed.  You should visit a reputable dental center for a more accurate examination and advice.  In addition to the usual observation step, the doctor will have more specialized methods such as taking a picture of the jawbone, taking a sample of the jaw to get an accurate diagnosis.  From there, the dentist can come up with the best solution to fix your tooth condition.

3. Treatment methods

The treatment of mild protrusion is no longer difficult thanks to the great developments of modern medicine.  You can completely regain your confidence with straight teeth and a bright smile with the right solution.  Currently, there are 3 methods of cosmetic improvement for protruding teeth, including: Teeth grinding, orthodontics and porcelain crowns.

3.1 Grinding teeth

The method of grinding teeth is extremely safe to help treat mild protrusions

 This is a mild dental treatment with immediate results.  You can save considerable time and money when applying this solution.  Specifically, dentists will grind away about 0.3-0.6 mm of enamel.  This grinding range is completely allowed because it is safe for the teeth, does not cause tooth sensitivity.

 The doctor will apply this method when the customer’s two front teeth are only slightly protruding, slightly protruding.  To perform the method of grinding teeth safely, accurately and aesthetically, dentists need high technical and professional skills.

3.2 Orthodontics

Niềng răng giúp khắc phục tình trạng răng hô nhẹ an toàn, kết quả vĩnh viễn
Braces help fix mild protruding teeth safely, permanent results

Orthodontic braces is a method that is considered effective and safe to improve the condition of protruding teeth.  This is also a method that dentists encourage people to use to improve the aesthetics of their teeth.

Dentists will use braces or a system of brackets and wires to create traction to adjust the protruding teeth to move inward.  This helps the teeth to bite properly and have a balanced ratio.  This method not only brings high aesthetic efficiency, but also maximizes the protection of real teeth, ensuring good chewing and eating function.  However, this method has the limitation that it lasts about 1.5 to 2 years.

Orthodontic methods are now quite diverse with different prices, suitable for many customers.  Some popular orthodontic methods such as: Braces with fixed braces, orthodontics with removable jaws, orthodontics with clear braces.

Depending on the condition of your teeth, age, and the amount of money you can spend, the dentist will advise on the most suitable orthodontic method for you.  Up to now, orthodontic braces are the method most recommended by dentists and popular choice by customers.

3.3 Porcelain veneers help handle mild protruding teeth

Bọc răng sứ giúp cải thiện tình trạng răng hô mức độ nhẹ, cho nụ cười rạng rỡ hơn
Porcelain veneers help improve the condition of mild protruding teeth, for a brighter smile

This method will help you own a beautiful, white teeth quickly.  The condition of mild protruding teeth will be gently handled by the dentist thanks to the porcelain crown method.  Specifically, the dentist will grind the tooth pulp and then cover it with a porcelain crown.  Customers can cover 2-4 incisors according to the doctor’s advice based on the degree of protrusion and the actual condition of the teeth.

Dental experts recommend that customers apply the method of porcelain crowns in case of protruding teeth due to misaligned teeth, slightly protruding teeth.

4. Should you get braces?

There are many orthodontic solutions for orthodontic treatment for you to choose from

The method of braces to improve the condition of slightly crooked teeth is recommended by dentists to be preferred.  The reason is because braces help to completely solve the problem of mild protruding teeth.  At the same time, the results are also permanent, customers do not have to worry about their teeth coming back.  Moreover, the method of braces does not need to extract teeth, helping to preserve real teeth.  This method also does not affect the surrounding soft tissue, does not affect neighboring teeth.

However, you should pay attention to choose a reputable dental facility to ensure the most satisfactory results.  Because the orthodontic time depends on the quality of the brackets, the dentist’s skills,… Only reputable dental centers can guarantee a professional treatment.  At the same time, the dental center also needs to meet the modern equipment to help bring the desired results to customers.


Hopefully the information in the article will be useful to readers and help you no longer worry too much about mild protruding teeth.  Each method of treating protruding teeth, improving the aesthetics of teeth has its own advantages and characteristics.  Therefore, you should research carefully to choose the right solution.  It is best to go to a reputable dental center for specific advice before deciding to implement any oral improvement solutions. 


20. Why is dental restoration such a hot industry?

Why is dental restoration such a hot industry?

The field of dental prosthetics is receiving the attention of many young people. This is a field of study that offers wide employment opportunities and attractive income.

The need to beautify and improve the chewing function of teeth is increasingly focused.  Therefore, the field of dental prosthetic engineering is also increasingly interested in open job opportunities

Ngành kỹ thuật phục hình răng hiện được nhiều bạn trẻ quan tâm
The industry of dental restoration is currently interested by many young people

 As the economy is developing, people’s demand for health care and dental aesthetics is also gradually increasing.  As a result, dental prosthetic technology is also gradually becoming a trendy discipline, attracting the attention of many students.  This field of study helps students open up a wide and potential career door.

 So who is suitable for this field of study?  What jobs can you do after completing your studies?  Let’s discover right through the information shared by Dr. Phan Hoang Hai (Prosthetics of Maxillofacial Prosthetics) 

1. General overview of dental prosthetic technology

The English name of Dental Technology is Dental Technology.  The goal of this discipline is to train technicians who have basic medical knowledge, basic science, and professional dental prosthetic techniques.  In addition, students must master art and technology.  Not only that, students also need to practice ethical qualities, ensure professionalism and have a good spirit of learning.

First, students will learn the foundational subjects.  After that, specialized subjects and practical exercises will be gradually applied to the curriculum to maximize the students’ practical work after graduation.  Students enrolled in this major will learn fixed prosthetics, partial and complete removable prostheses, implant-on prostheses, orthopedic appliances, etc. 

After graduation, technicians can manage and work effectively at Dental Labo.  In addition, the technicians can also assist the dentist in manufacturing denture prostheses, orthopedic appliances, bleaching trays, chewing trays, anti-snoring appliances… At the same time, the technicians can also assist.  Other treatments such as teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, treatment of temporomandibular joint pain, etc.

2. Why you should study dental prosthetics

This field of study offers very attractive job opportunities for students.  Besides, when studying dental prosthetic engineering, you also get many other benefits such as not too long study time, unlimited education improvement, stable income…

2.1. Training and learning time is not too long

 The training period for medical students in general (5-6 years) is usually longer than that of other professions.  But for prosthetic engineering, students only need about 4 years of training (for undergraduate programs).  The time can be even shorter (about 1-3 years) if students register for College, Intermediate, and short-term training courses.

2.2. You have a wide choice of training facilities

Students can choose to study dental prosthetics at different levels of training

You can choose to study prosthetic engineering at the Intermediate, College or University level in many different training institutions and centers.  Prestigious institutions will provide students with quality programs, complete with theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

 You can find out, consult information of some training institutions and schools on their Website.  Besides, you can consult with teachers, relatives, and students who have studied at institutions to have more bases to choose a suitable learning environment.

2.3. There is no limit to further study

When studying dental restoration engineering, you can improve your knowledge level by studying further.  If students complete the intermediate level, college, students can continue to the university level with the same major. 

After completing the university level, students can continue to register for Master’s and Doctoral studies at home and abroad.  You have unlimited opportunities to continue to improve your qualifications, further in-depth study of your field of study.

2.4.The dental prosthetic industry offers a wide range of career opportunities

If you want to organize, run, and manage the departments related to dental prosthetics, a major in dental prosthetics is a great choice.  After graduation, you can become a dental restoration technician working in dental facilities.  Not only that, you also have the opportunity to work in dental labs.

2.5. Earnings after graduation

Dental prosthetic engineering brings a good income for students after graduation.  After graduating from this field, KTV will have a starting salary in the range of 7-9 million.  This number is quite attractive to students who have just graduated without much practical work experience.

3. Training schools

Sinh viên nên chọn trung tâm, trường học uy tín để đảm bảo chất lượng giảng dạy
You should choose a reputable institution or school that teaches the profession of dental prosthetics, with a team of teachers who are professional and dedicated to the profession. At the same time, the school also needs to have adequate equipment to practice and ensure the quality of training. Currently, the field of Dental Restoration Engineering is not widely taught in many universities. Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy is one of the prestigious universities with good training quality today. The school has a major in Dental Restoration Engineering and is mainly trained at the university level.

4. Job opportunities

Technicians graduates can work in hospitals, dental departments,...

The dental prosthetics industry is being evaluated with great potential for development in the near future.  Because the demand for dental aesthetics is gradually increasing, the vocational training period is short, after graduation, students can have a suitable income for many jobs such as:

  • In charge of professional and technical Lab jobs such as manufacturing dentures, dentures, dental molds…
  • Participating in teaching and research at schools offering this discipline, district and provincial institutions…
  • Have the opportunity to work in the dental department, hospital, Ministry of Health.
  • Preserve and operate supplies and equipment at centers and facilities for dental restoration.
  • Sales staff at companies providing dental equipment and materials or working at dental corporations based in Vietnam.

5. Who is suitable for this profession?

The discipline of dental prosthetics requires meticulousness and high aesthetics

To become a dental technician or specialist in any area of ​​the medical field, you also need to have good moral qualities, love for people, and humanity.  In addition, you should also have the following qualities:

  • Students possess a high aesthetic sense, ingenious mind, and the ability to concentrate at work.
  • You are sharp, have good observation, and can quickly make accurate judgments.
  • Students have learning methods, scientific research, logic, are always patient, meticulous and careful in their work.
  • You have good health, and can work continuously for a long time…


 Hope readers have a better understanding about dental prosthetic technology through the information in the article.  This discipline was born with many practical meanings.  It helps people feel more confident with healthy teeth and a bright smile.  Do not hesitate to pursue this trendy field of study if you have the above qualities and love cosmetic dentistry, improving the health of others’ teeth. 


16 .Information about removable dental restorations: What should be noted when using removable teeth?

dental restorations

Removable Restoration is a method of using dentures to help restore lost teeth, even entire teeth.  You need to take care of your denture properly to prolong the life of your teeth.

Although there are many modern dental restoration methods, removable dental restorations still have their own “place” and are applied in many cases.  Let’s learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this method in the following content!

Hàm giả tháo lắp giúp khách hàng bị mất răng lấy lại nụ cười tự tin
Removable dentures help customers who have lost teeth regain their confident smile

 Although it is a classic method of tooth restoration, which has been around for a long time, removable dentures are still chosen by many people.  So why is this method still “living well” next to other advanced dental restoration solutions?  What should be paid attention to when using removable dentures?  Please read the article information for detailed answers.

1. What are removable teeth?

phục hình răng tháo lắp
Removable teeth are made to look like real teeth

Removable dentures, also known as removable dentures, are dentures used for restoration in dentistry.  Removable teeth are designed and manufactured to perfectly fit each customer’s real teeth and arches.  This type of tooth can be easily removed / inserted without the need for dental intervention.  This makes it easier for customers to clean their oral cavity and dentures after eating.

Removable dentures consist of two main parts, the teeth and the tooth frame.  Dentures can be made of plastic or porcelain.  They will be installed directly on the denture frame to replace the lost porcelain teeth. 

Meanwhile, the tooth frame of the removable denture is made from metal, plastic, screw, etc. The tooth frame is designed to fit and hug each customer’s real jaw, which has the effect of shaping and  supporting.  The denture has a pink plastic base design that looks similar to real gums, the teeth are also the same color and shape as real teeth to ensure aesthetics.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of removable dental restorations

Khách hàng có thể tự tháo hàm giả để vệ sinh vô cùng dễ dàng, tiện lợi
Customers can remove the denture by themselves for extremely easy and convenient cleaning

 Each dental restoration method has its own advantages and limitations.  The method of removable dental restorations is similar.  At the same time, different types of dentures will also have their own characteristics, suitable for the situation of each customer.  Readers are invited to learn more in the content below.

  •  Dentures made from common plastic materials:

This type is cheap and very easy to implement, helping customers save time and money.  However, its limitation is that it is easy to touch the gums, causing discomfort, pain and can even lead to the risk of dental diseases. In addition, dentures made from plastic are often prone to loosening and falling out.  causing inconvenience when customers eat and chew.

  • Removable restorations with metal frames:

The advantage of this type of denture is that it has a long service life, compact denture size, suitable for many face shapes.  At the same time, this type of denture has the ability to improve chewing function well, firmly resting on real teeth.  However, this type of denture causes real teeth to be pulled, which can cause discomfort and pain. 

  • Method of restoring removable teeth on Implant posts:

This method helps restore chewing function, good strength like real teeth.  At the same time, the teeth are also extremely strong, beautiful and do not cause movement or deviation of the jaw when eating and drinking.  The durability of the teeth is also extremely high.  However, if you choose this method, you will have to wait a certain amount of time because of the long execution time.  In addition, this method also has a complicated implementation technique with a high cost

  • Attachment Dental Restoration:

 The advantage of this method is to help restore good chewing function, high aesthetics.  The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite expensive.

3. Classification of removable dentures

There are two types of removable dentures including full dentures and partial dentures

We can classify removable dentures into two types as partial dentures and full dentures.

  • Full dentures: Made from a pink plastic base similar to real gums, with dentures (porcelain or plastic) on top that simulate the entire teeth.  To use this type of denture, you just need to cover it directly on the gums, possibly the jawbone.  Full dentures are used in case of total or multi-dental loss.
  • Partial Dentures: Can be finished with a metal frame or a flexible plastic base to help support missing teeth.  The two sides of the jaw have joints to fix the jaw.  Porcelain or plastic teeth will be installed on the tooth base.  This type of tooth is used for those who have lost one or more teeth (not all teeth).

4. Process of performing removable dental restorations

Removable dental restorations should be performed by a skilled dentist

Professional removable denture restoration process includes the following basic steps:

  • Step 1: The doctor examines and advises, makes a treatment plan suitable for each customer

First, the dentist will conduct a general examination, check the status of your oral health.  If necessary, the dentist will take X-rays to see bone density, jaw structure… for a more in-depth diagnosis.  Through that, the dentist can advise on the method of making a denture that is right for you. Customers will be thoroughly discussed the advantages and limitations of the method and the specific cost.  If you understand and agree with the treatment method and cost, the dentist will proceed to the next step.

  • Step 2: The doctor takes an impression to make a denture

 In this step, the dentist will take measurements, take impressions of the jaw frame, size and position of the missing teeth that need restoration.  After that, the data will be sent to Labo technical department.  The technicians in the Labo room manufacture removable dentures based on the data transmitted down, exactly according to the customer’s tooth sample requirements. 

  • Step 3: Install the denture on the position to be restored

 The doctor will clean the customer’s oral cavity, attach dentures to the corresponding missing teeth.  Then, the dentist will carry out recalibration if necessary to ensure the most comfort and satisfaction for the customer.

  •  Step 4: Instructions for use and home care

After the restoration, the customer can completely disassemble the denture for cleaning.  The doctor will carefully guide how to remove, clean and care for dentures to ensure long-lasting beautiful teeth.

5. Instructions for cleaning removable teeth

Customers should soak dentures in cleaning solution every day

To use the denture comfortably, improve its durability, you need to clean it properly.  Experts recommend that you remove your denture every day and then scrub it thoroughly with a brush.  This helps to clean the denture better and makes the oral cavity more comfortable and clean.  As for the remaining real teeth, you clean them as usual.

You should use a soft brush to clean the denture, wash it with salt water and soap at least 2 times a day.  However, it should be noted that absolutely do not use toothpaste to clean dentures because it can wear down your dentures.

At night, before going to bed, you should remove the denture, clean it and soak it in water mixed with vinegar at a ratio of 1:1.  Or you can apply specialized dental gel for dentures 1-2 times per day to prevent fungal growth.

Besides, you should clean your gums, rinse your mouth with mouthwash after removing dentures.  At least once a week, denture cleaning brushes should also be soaked in Clorox solution. 

After performing removable dental restorations, customers should still maintain the habit of regular dental check-ups.  This is to help check and treat promptly if you have dental disease, or have problems with dentures.  For advice and implementation of the most effective dental restoration solution, please contact a reputable dental center. 


15. The most popular solution for fixed dentures today

The most popular solution for fixed dentures today

Understanding the advantages and limitations of each type of fixed denture restoration will help you choose the right method, bringing the desired results.  Learn about the types of fixed dental restorations in the article.

Fixed denture restorations are a great way to improve the chewing function and aesthetics of teeth. Solutions have many types with different implementation techniques with their own characteristics and advantages. 

Các kỹ thuật phục hình răng giúp bạn sở hữu hàm răng trắng đều, bóng đẹp
Teeth restoration techniques help you own white, beautiful teeth

 Loss of teeth, tooth decay, pulpitis … leading to damaged teeth will affect chewing function.  In addition, they also cause aesthetic loss, displacement, damage to surrounding teeth, which can lead to the risk of causing you to lose more teeth.  Therefore, if unfortunately your teeth are damaged or lost, you should go to a reputable dental center to restore teeth as soon as possible.  In particular, the method of fixed denture restoration is a popular solution and is chosen by many people because of its outstanding advantages.  Let’s find out in the following article.

1. What is a fixed prosthesis?

There are quite a few dental measures to help restore teeth, partially or completely replacing lost teeth.  In particular, the method of fixed tooth restoration is chosen by a large number of customers because it offers many outstanding advantages.

1.1 Concepts

The method of fixed dentures helps to restore defective crowns or teeth, and replace lost teeth.  It helps to improve chewing function and aesthetics of teeth.  Dentists will attach custom-made dentures to each client fixed on the prepared crowns (grinded or reconstructed) of the jaw.  , which is also the part that connects the real tooth root with the dentures that will later be closely linked to the gums, jawbone and teeth of the real tooth through the dental pulp or artificial abutment.  Customers will not be able to remove dentures by themselves like when using traditional removable teeth.

 The method of fixed dentures helps to restore defective crowns or, to replace lost teeth.  It helps to improve chewing function and aesthetics of teeth.  The doctors will attach dentures made specifically for each customer, fixed on the prepared crowns (grinding or reconstructed), which is also the part that connects the real roots with the future dentures.  Customers will not be able to remove dentures by themselves like when using traditional removable teeth.

1.2 Advantages

Kết quả phục hình răng cố định có thể duy trì lâu dài, thậm chí suốt đời
The results of fixed dental restorations can be maintained for a long time, even a lifetime

Fixed denture implant method is more popular with customers and is also recommended by dentists than using removable dentures.  The removable jaw is entangled, weak chewing power, easy to bad breath, used in a fairly short time.  Meanwhile, fixed dentures overcome all these disadvantages with the following features and advantages:

Only need to plant fixed dentures once, customers can use them for decades.  Even if carefully cared for, fixed dentures can accompany the customer for a lifetime.

Fixed implanted teeth have the same strength as real teeth, good biocompatibility with high aesthetics.  You can eat and chew firmly and easily without fear of losing or breaking your teeth.

The method of fixed teeth by Implant method completely does not need to grind teeth.  The dentist will replace the lost tooth without affecting the real teeth.  At the same time, the Implant post is made from Titanium, which is commonly used in medicine, and integrates with the good jaw bone.

Implant cases can be used for more than 20 years, even lasting if you keep and take good care of them.  In particular, Implant also overcomes gum atrophy, has the ability to prevent jaw bone loss or misaligned teeth that removable jaw methods cannot bring.

1.3 Cons

Some methods require modern equipment and complex techniques

Besides the advantages, fixed tooth restoration method also has certain limitations such as:

  • The method of fixing fixed teeth with Implant has the only disadvantage that it requires to be performed with advanced machines and equipment.  At the same time, the technique is quite complicated and requires highly skilled doctors.  Therefore, customers need to choose carefully, find a reputable dental center to ensure safety and desired results.
  • For the solution of fixed tooth restoration as a porcelain bridge, in the long run, there will still be jaw bone loss, atrophy, and concave gums.
  •  Porcelain bridge method is only applied in cases where the number of missing teeth is small.  This solution does not apply in cases where the teeth are missing the whole jaw, the real teeth cannot be supported because they are not strong enough.  If you have lost your 7th molar, you cannot perform this method.

2. What methods are there?

 Currently, there are two common methods of fixing fixed dentures: Implant and porcelain bridge.  Both need to use porcelain crowns to replace the missing crowns.

2.1 Implant

Cấy ghép Implant giúp ngăn ngừa tình trạng tiêu xương
Implants help prevent bone loss

 This is an advanced dental technique used to restore one or more missing teeth.  The restored tooth will have a full root and crown.  The implant is in the form of a small screw made of pure Titanium.  It has many sizes to suit the oral condition of each patient and has been recognized for its benignity and safety for the body.

 After the implant is implanted and integrated with the jawbone (about 3-6 months), the doctor will attach the porcelain teeth on top.  Porcelain teeth will be attached to the Implant post through the Abutment joint.

2.2 Porcelain dental bridge

Illustrated image of porcelain tooth bridge method

With the method of porcelain dental bridges, the doctor will grind real healthy teeth to create abutments.  These strong teeth are located on either side of the missing tooth.  Then, the dentist will make a series of suitable porcelain bridges to attach to restore the crown.

3. Expert advice

 No matter what kind of dental restoration you take, you need to find a reputable clinic with a good dentist.  With that, the new restoration results are guaranteed with quick execution time and reasonable prices.

3.1 Introduction of Dr. Hai

Doctor Hoang Hai has a deep understanding of modern dental restoration techniques

 Dr. Phan Hoang Hai graduated with a major in Odonto-Stomatology from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City (2013).  The doctor has 3 years of training at Mahidol University (Thailand) and completed the Master’s program in maxillofacial prosthetics.  After that, Dr. Hoang Hai started practicing as a prosthetic specialist since 2018.

 With solid expertise and many years of experience in the field of oral and maxillofacial prosthetics, Dr. Hai has helped thousands of customers regain their confident smile.  At the same time, Dr. Hai constantly updates the techniques and advanced dental technology to bring the best solution with the highest efficiency to customers.  Dr. Hai specializes in functional rehabilitation and full-mouth aesthetics with fine-tuned techniques.  The doctor also has a deep understanding of high-tech dental methods, digital applications such as Implants, digital restorations…

3.2 Expert advice

Implant method is recommended by dental experts to use

Dentists recommend that you consider carefully before choosing any dental restoration solution.  Ideally, you should choose solutions that are permanent, do not need to spend extra money and time to redo.

In particular, Implant is a method of making fixed dentures recommended by dentists if you qualify.  This solution is considered the most advanced and optimal today to help you have strong, beautiful, flawless teeth for a long time, even permanently.  It will help you restore lost teeth, preserve real teeth and have no restrictions regarding oral health.


 All fixed denture restoration techniques bring great benefits to customers.  Depending on your needs, economic conditions and oral health status, you can choose the right solution for you.  However, do not forget to choose a reputable dental center to be examined and advised by a doctor accurately and specifically. 


14.The most popular and popular types of cosmetic dental restorations today

The most popular and popular types of cosmetic dental restorations today

Aesthetic dental restorations include many types with specific techniques suitable for many different cases.  Customers should learn the advantages of different types of dental restorations, go to a reputable clinic to choose the best solution.

What are the advantages of cosmetic dentistry?  What techniques are common and recommended by dentists?  Readers can find all the answers in the article below! 

phục hình răng thẩm mỹ
Aesthetic dental restorations give you white, beautiful, spotless teeth

Dental restoration is one of the optimal solutions to help restore and improve.  .  This solution is currently chosen by many people because of many advantages such as diverse techniques, suitable for most oral conditions… To help readers better understand this dental technique, the topic of this article is interesting.  This will summarize all the basic information you need to know for your reference.

1. Introduction to cosmetic dental restoration methods

 Aesthetic dental restoration method is considered as a “salvation” for those who have lost teeth, damaged teeth, severe tooth decay… This solution helps you restore the aesthetics and chewing function of your teeth.

1.1 What is cosmetic dental restoration?

Dental restoration is a solution that uses techniques to make artificial teeth, dentures to replace lost or damaged teeth.  Specifically, with dental restoration techniques and specialized equipment, the dentist will help restore one, many teeth or all teeth for you.  As a result, your chewing device will look even white, naturally shiny, and flawlessly beautiful.  You can be completely confident when communicating, smiling brightly to attract eyes.

1.2 Advantages

Răng được phục hình trắng đẹp, bền chắc như răng thật, giúp khuôn miệng thẩm mỹ hơn

You can refer to some of the following strengths to be more confident when you intend to choose a method of restoring your teeth.

  • This is an effective and long-lasting method to help restore severely damaged teeth, restoring the shape, size and color to your wishes and technical requirements from your doctor.
  • With many modern techniques, dental restoration will be the final stage to perfect the aesthetics and function of your teeth.
  • Make the mouth more aesthetic: The teeth are white, enough teeth will help the mouth to be more beautiful. With a solution to restore teeth through the talented hands of dentists, you will immediately own a beautiful mouth with straight teeth, white color in the color of gums and skin.
  • The technology of prosthetic materials is so mature that it is possible to accurately replicate the physical properties (hardness, abrasion resistance, strength under chewing force) and optical properties like real tooth enamel.
  • Besides, the development of bonding materials, glued on real teeth also prolongs the life of restorations in the oral environment.
  • Helps limit dental disease conditions: Damaged, damaged teeth that have been treated with endodontic treatment, if not restored, can lead to a high risk of severe, severe fractures that can lead to tooth loss.
    Dental restorations help protect teeth better, maintain long-term survival and function.
  • The technology of prosthetic materials is so mature that it is possible to accurately replicate the physical properties (hardness, abrasion resistance, strength under chewing force) and optical properties like real tooth enamel.
  • Besides, the development of bonding materials, glued on real teeth also prolongs the life of restorations in the oral environment..
  • Restored teeth have high strength, not inferior to real teeth.  Dental technology is increasingly developing, tooth-shaped materials also have higher strength and durability, even better than real teeth.  The tooth after restoration can last for decades, even accompany you for a lifetime if properly protected and cared for.
  •  Helps limit dental disease conditions: Damaged, damaged teeth that have been treated with endodontic treatment, if not restored, can lead to a high risk of severe, severe fractures that can lead to tooth loss.  Dental restorations help protect teeth better, maintain long-term survival and function 
  • This is an effective and long-lasting method to help restore severely damaged teeth, restoring the shape, size and color to your wishes and technical requirements from your doctor.
  •  Dental restorations bring even and beautiful teeth: With many modern techniques, dental restorations will be the final stage to perfect the aesthetics and function of your teeth.  complex orthodontic time.
  • Make the mouth more aesthetic: The teeth are white, enough teeth will help the mouth to be more beautiful.  With a solution to restore teeth through the talented hands of dentists, you will immediately own a beautiful mouth with straight teeth, white color in the color of gums and skin.
  • The technology of prosthetic materials is so mature that it is possible to accurately replicate the physical properties (hardness, abrasion resistance, strength under chewing force) and optical properties like real tooth enamel.  In addition, the development of bonding materials, glued on real teeth also prolongs the life of restorations in the oral environment. The restored teeth have high durability not inferior to real teeth.  Dental technology is increasingly developing, tooth-shaped materials also have higher strength and durability, even better than real teeth.  The tooth after restoration can last for decades, even accompany you for a lifetime if properly protected and cared for.
  • Helps limit dental disease conditions: Damaged, damaged teeth that have undergone endodontic treatment if not restored can lead to a high risk of severe and severe fractures that can lead to tooth loss and recurrence.  or higher.  Dental restorations help protect teeth better, maintain long-term existence and function, such as in case of damaged enamel, worn teeth…

1.3 Successful images

Some actual pictures of customer’s dental restoration results.  You can refer to it to be more confident when choosing this solution. 

Kết quả phục hình cho khách hàng có răng bị xỉn màu, kém thẩm mỹ
Restorative results for customers with discolored teeth, poor aesthetics
Kết quả phục hình răng cho khách hàng bị mẻ răng, răng không đều
Results of dental restoration for customers with chipped teeth, uneven teeth
Kết quả phục hình cho khách hàng bị mất răng, răng ố vàng

1.32. Distinguish between fixed prosthetics and removable prostheses

 Aesthetic dental restorations include removable dental restorations and fixed dental restorations. Each method will be implemented with different techniques and technologies.  The content below will describe these methods in more detail.

2.1 Fixed prosthetics

The doctor will attach fixed dentures to the jaw using modern techniques and technology

With the fixed restoration method, the dentist will fix the teeth/dentures to the jaw frame. Or the dentist will insert the denture into the post of the next real tooth that has been ground to be used as a bridge. As the name implies, after completing the restoration, the customer will not be able to arbitrarily remove the fixed teeth.

This method has the outstanding advantage of high aesthetics. At the same time, dentures are designed to have the same shape and color as real teeth. The dentures are fixed to fit the root post, hugging the gums, which can help restore the chewing function of 80-90% compared to real teeth.

2.2 Removable Prosthetics

With removable prostheses, customers can easily disassemble their own dentures

 Individual dentures or full dentures will be tailored to each client.  In particular, they can be easily disassembled by customers to clean the oral cavity and dentures.  Dentures will be molded from porcelain or plastic, pressed tightly onto another plastic base that has the same shape as real gums.  The dentures will be crafted so that their position matches the missing teeth.

 However, the removable restoration method will not help restore the chewing strength to the teeth as well as the fixed restoration method.  The service life of teeth fabricated by this method is also shorter than that of teeth made with fixed restorations.  This method is often applied to elderly customers.

3. Some popular cosmetic dental restoration techniques

 The content of this section will cover the popular cosmetic dental restoration techniques.  Readers can refer to it for more information and easily choose the right technique for their oral condition.

3.1 Veneer

Veneers are glued to the tooth surface with a special glue

This is one of the most popular and popular tooth restoration techniques in cosmetic dentistry. This solution minimizes the invasion of natural tooth tissue, with high safety.  Depending on the dentist will grind a very thin layer on the surface of the real tooth (only about 0.1 – 0.5mm).  Then the veneer will be glued on with specialized dental glue.  As a result, the enamel and tissues around the teeth are not damaged.  Therefore, this method does not cause pain or discomfort to the client.

3.2 Implant Inlays and Onlays

If it comes to the type of fixed tooth restoration that experts consider to be the most optimal and modern today, it must be mentioned that dental implants.  This method can replace one or more teeth, the entire teeth of the customer.  Implant posts will be implanted directly into the customer’s jaw by the dentist to replace the real tooth root.  After that, the dentist continues to cover the porcelain crown on top.

 Dental Implant restorations do not cause damage to neighboring teeth, the strength and chewing ability of teeth are similar to real teeth.  At the same time, the safety and aesthetics of this method are also extremely high.

3.3 Porcelain crowns

This is also a safe and highly aesthetic cosmetic tooth restoration method.  It is indicated for cases of teeth with pathological diseases such as pulpitis, tooth decay, enamel wear,… Teeth with physical and aesthetic defects such as dullness, yellowing, broken, crooked, bite.  not good, lol… can also apply this method.

3.4 Dummy function

Dentures are often used to restore chewing function for the elderly

 Dentures are usually made from flexible or hard plastic.  Customers can disassemble it by themselves without the intervention of the dentist.  Depending on the dental condition, customers can use partial or full dentures.  The denture solution is indicated for the case of tooth loss, not for the case of teeth with defects in shape.

3.4 Bridges

In case the customer has lost teeth but cannot or does not want to implant Implant, the dentist will advise on a solution to make a bridge.  The two real teeth around the missing tooth will be ground down, making a bridge for the denture at the missing tooth.

Aesthetic dental restorations include many separate techniques with different advantages.  You need to choose the right dental restoration method to bring back the best results of chewing function and aesthetic effect.  To do so, customers should go to a reputable dental center to be examined by doctors with tools.  modern technology.  Thereby, the doctor can advise on solutions to overcome the defects of your teeth in accordance with your wishes, oral condition and financial ability. 


13.Applying digital technology in dental restorations

Applying digital technology in dental restorations

Digital restorations bring many benefits to both the performing dentist and the customer.  Let’s learn more about the concept and advantages of this method in the article below!

Digital dental restorations can be applied to help fix all dental problems

Dental restoration methods can bring improvements in chewing function, comprehensive changes in the aesthetics of teeth.  At present, modern digital technology has been applied in dental restoration methods.  This is to better meet user needs and improve the performance of dentists.

1. How is digital applied in dental restorations?

The application of digital technology in dental restorations shortens the process and improves accuracy.  Moreover, the functional and aesthetic aspects of the teeth are also optimized, bringing health and beauty to the teeth and smiles of customers.

 So specifically, how is digital applied in dental restorations?  We invite you to read the content below.

1.1 Concepts

CAD/CAM supports the design and manufacture of dentures through a computer system

Digitalization applied in dental restoration is also known as CAD/CAM technology.  CAD/CAM stands for Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing.

 CAD/CAM technology is currently being widely applied in many fields, and dentistry is one of them.  Besides the manufacturing process of labo, prosthetic dental products, CAD/CAM technology is also applied to the process of examination, consultation and treatment of maxillofacial teeth at large clinics and hospitals.

 Thanks to CAD/CAM technology, the tooth surface information, occlusal correlation, relationship with the jawbone….  correctly transmitted to the computer system.  Technicians (KTVs), dentists will adopt these specifications to design “virtual” restorations on a computer.  This virtual restoration is an effective alternative to hand-made wax.  Then, the technician will create a real restoration based on the model just designed.

1.2 Advantages

CAD / CAM technology helps create porcelain teeth with the same color as real teeth, more durable

The application of digital in dental restoration brings many benefits to both customers, dentists and KTV:

  • CAD / CAM technology helps to bring the results of porcelain teeth that are restored effectively, more durable, with the same color and clarity as real teeth.
  • The design of porcelain teeth is completed quickly, restoring porcelain teeth with maximum precision.
  • Technology helps dentists and customers save time trying, adjusting teeth.
  • Technicians can design and fabricate restorations easily through a computer thanks to detailed information uploaded through the function of Scanning technique.
  • Through CAD technology, technicians can design a “virtual computerized” restoration in detail.  After that, KTV can edit easily if necessary.  Next, KTV can proceed to convert this restoration to automatic production through CAM technology.  This system helps to control the raw material cutting machine to produce finished products with precision down to each micron according to the sample.
  • Digital dental restorations are applied in overcoming all defects of molars such as decayed teeth, yellowed teeth, missing teeth…
  • In addition to dentures, CAD/CAM technology is also used in manufacturing many other useful products such as bridges, crowns, veneers, etc.
  • Cement used in porcelain restorations does not make porcelain restorations, does not blacken, does not harm the pulp tissue of the teeth.

1.3 CAD/CAM technology

The use of CAD/CAM technology in dental restoration is very popular in the world.  Thanks to this technology, dental lab products are rated more positively, resulting in a higher level of customer satisfaction. 

Công nghệ CAD/CAM giúp tự động hóa việc sản xuất răng giả, cầu răng, mão răng…

CAD / CAM technology helps to automate the production of dentures, bridges, crowns…

 Through the computer, CAD/CAM technology receives and processes all information of molars.  This technology consists of two parts, CAM and CAD.  In particular, CAD allows dentists to scan teeth, design and adjust restorations easily on a computer.

 Particularly, CAM is responsible for automatic control of lathes, robot arms, and raw material cutting machines for direct production on CAD samples.  Through that, the solid, raw material block will be processed into a dental restoration model with perfect accuracy and beauty. 

2. Digital prosthetic doctor

Results of dental restoration for customers who have lost teeth, severely damaged teeth

 The success and effectiveness of any dental treatment and restoration depends a lot on the expertise and skill of the doctor.  In particular, digital dental restorations require doctors to have good technique and understanding of implementation technology.

 Doctor Phan Hoang Hai has a high level of expertise, is highly trained in maxillofacial dentistry, with skillful workmanship and delicate aesthetics.  At the same time, doctors constantly update advanced dental methods and trends, including digital dental restoration solutions.

 With more than 105 years of experience in the profession, Dr. Hoang Hai is trusted by many customers to perfect the function and aesthetics of teeth.  Hoang Hai has successfully performed digital dental restorations for many cases of missing teeth, severe tooth decay, yellow teeth…

 With nearly 10 years of experience in the profession, Dr. Hoang Hai is trusted by many customers to perfect the function and aesthetics of the teeth.  Hoang Hai has successfully performed digital dental restorations for many cases of missing teeth, severe tooth decay, yellow teeth… 

Not only promoting professionalism and ethics at work, Dr. Hoang Hai also always considers taking care of each customer like his own family. The customers all trust and have good comments and are satisfied when working with the doctor.

Dr. Phan Hoang Hai is the founder and is currently the main treating doctor at Pegadent Dental Clinic – Prestigious Comprehensive Digital & Aesthetic Dentistry. The center is fully equipped with modern equipment, aseptic dental room…. well suited for all dental treatment and restoration procedures.

The digital dental restoration process is performed by a team of experienced and skilled doctors and technicians. Therefore, the finished product achieves high perfection, minimizing errors to help bring the desired dental restoration results.

3. Implementation process

Digital restorations save time and improve treatment results

 The digital dental restoration process consists of 3 basic steps as follows:

  •  Step 1: The doctor records the shape and details of the tooth sample

 This is the first step in the labo manufacturing process.  The machine will scan directly on the teeth or scan through the jaw sample to record the details of the tooth shape.  After that, the KTV will use a Laser Scanner to put the image into the computer to be processed and output 3D data.  The teeth will be accurately redrawn.  After that, the computer will adjust the exact touch points and bite points for the restoration design step.

  •  Step 2: Design detailed contours for “virtual” porcelain teeth on the computer

 The computer will receive the data through the scanning process in step 1. After that, the machine will process the information and design the “virtual” porcelain teeth with 3D software.

  •  Step 3: KTV proceeds to shape and perfect real porcelain teeth.

 After the 3D design on the computer is completed, the KTV will choose the appropriate porcelain ingot, tooth shape, etc.  Then, CAM technology will control the robot arm and lathe system to create the finished product, exactly as the design received.


 In the past, dentists often had to manually perform, plan, and outline teeth on plaster and joint brackets.  This sometimes causes the results to be erroneous and also makes it impossible to create a simulation of the treatment results for the client to preview.  The application of digital in dental restoration helps to overcome all these weaknesses.  In addition, porcelain teeth made by digital prosthetics also have high aesthetics, optical characteristics, clarity and smooth surface like real teeth.  You can contact the dental center directly for more detailed advice about this method. 

Tóm lại, cắm ghép Implant là phương pháp phục hình răng hiện đại, giúp bạn sở hữu hàm răng khỏe đẹp như ý. Nhưng lưu ý rằng bạn cần đến trung tâm nha khoa uy tín để được bác sĩ thăm khám và tư vấn cụ thể. Các bác sĩ chuyên khoa sẽ cho bạn những giải pháp phù hợp và đáp ứng được yêu cầu của bạn.  uy tin sẽ giúp bạn có hàm răng hằng ao ước một cách nhẹ nhàng, nhanh chóng với phương pháp phù hợp nhất.


12. Digital dental restoration with Implant technology

Digital dental restoration with Implant technology

Thanks to Implant technology, tooth loss and broken teeth are no longer a “nightmare” for everyone.  Implants have been used as a treatment in dentistry for decades and are increasingly being researched and developed to be able to replace a real tooth root.

Dental Implant to replace lost teeth, restore the ability to chew

 Dental Implant is considered a great step forward, a special mark not to be missed in the modern dental industry… Today, the dental implant treatment process is a pioneer industry and thoroughly applies technical technology.  number to ensure the accuracy in each stage for a long-term effect on chewing function and aesthetics of the upper restoration.  We invite you to read more about this method in this article.

1. Restoring teeth with Implant - Modern digital dental restoration technology

 The method of implant placement is highly appreciated by specialists for its superiority.  This innovative technology allows the creation of one or more new teeth including crowns and roots.

1.1. What are Implants?

An implant is a small screw that is placed by the dentist into the jawbone

A dental implant is simply a “false root” usually made of titanium or zirconia metal alloys researched and developed to be implanted into the jawbone, acting as a “root” for supporting dentures.  above to replace lost teeth. 

 A dental implant is simply a “false root” usually made of titanium or zirconia alloy, researched and developed to be implanted into the jawbone, acting as a “root” to support the upper denture in order to  replacement for missing teeth.

 With the continuous development of the dental industry, implant treatment and implant restoration applying high technology is increasingly popular.  This method helps customers/patients who have lost teeth quickly restore their chewing function and aesthetics quickly to ensure that their teeth are healthy and beautiful.

 With the continuous development of the dental industry, implant treatment and implant restoration applying high technology is increasingly popular.  This method helps customers/patients who have lost teeth to restore their chewing function and aesthetics quickly to ensure that their teeth are healthy and beautiful. 

1.2. How are implants placed in the jawbone?

 The traditional technique of “planting teeth” Implants are used to be quite time-consuming with many complicated stages and depended mainly on the experience and skill of the surgeon.  Through surgery to expose the lower jawbone, the dentist will place the Implant in the jawbone in a suitable position to replace the lost tooth root.

  With state-of-the-art 4.0 Digital Implant Restoration technology, this process is greatly improved in efficiency and time-saving.  The whole process is planned from the beginning and carried out by machine technology, specialized software that processes data extremely accurately.  Therefore, Implants and prostheses are designed and precisely placed in the patient’s arch.  This both shortens time and ensures long-term quality.

1.3. What do prosthetists say about digital implant technology?

cắm ghép Implant
Implant technology is implemented quickly to limit discomfort for customers

 The main advantages when applying digital to dental implant treatment:

  • Advanced non-invasive technology, which minimizes the dentist’s manipulations in the customer’s mouth, minimizes risks, and minimizes discomfort for customers.
  • Digital Implant method uses TRIOS to take impressions of teeth.  This is a modern scanner system that makes scanning faster and easier.  Real Color scanning technology integrated in the system helps to clearly show the jaw shape with true color.
  • At the same time, the TRIOS system also helps to diagnose the color of real teeth in detail, supporting the creation of dentures with optimal fit.
  • State-of-the-art technology ensures high accuracy, delivering outstanding clinical results.
  • Advanced technologies allow easy integration with the lab, making dentures more precise, natural, and easy to implement. 

Implant restoration is more valuable than replacing lost teeth

Many studies show that implants help prevent jaw bone loss, maintain chewing force and grind food equivalent to real teeth.  The patient is the one to choose which type of implant on the implant is right for him, after being consulted by the doctor about possible treatment plans and assessing the state of tooth loss with the support of accurate diagnostic tools.  .

 Dr. Roger P. Levin, chairman and chief executive officer of Levin Group, Inc.  “Although not all patients with missing teeth need an immediate implant, they should be made aware of this treatment,” says.  Therefore, it is the dentist’s responsibility to advise on all suitable restoration methods.  Avoid discriminating on the basis of the dentist’s perception of the patient’s financial ability.”

 Whether the ideal implant restoration treatment plan will cost the patient $1,000 or $10,000, that patient deserves to understand the options for replacing missing teeth with dental implants just like any other.  which patient. 

2. How is the implant restoration method performed by a dental prosthetist?

 Procedure: The implementation of digital Implant technique requires the clinic to be fully equipped with modern equipment, ensuring the principle of a sterile dental room in surgery,… At the same time, the dentist must have  Professional knowledge, high skills, experience in using and operating machinery and technical knowledge, the system used should not be possible anywhere.

 The digital implant procedure requires the clinic to be fully equipped with modern equipment, ensuring the principle of sterility in surgery,… At the same time, the dentist must have professional knowledge and experience.  use and operate machinery and equipment and be knowledgeable about the techniques and systems used.

2.1. Introduction of experts

Doctor Hoang Hai has brought confident smiles to thousands of customers

 Doctor Phan Hoang Hai graduated from Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy (2013), majoring in Odonto-Stomatology.  The doctor has a period of training with a Master of Science (specializing in maxillofacial prosthetics), at Mahidol University, Thailand.

 Dr. Phan Hoang Hai has won many medical awards and has many valuable scientific publications. Dr. Phan Hoang Hai has worked at the Department of Odonto-Stomatology, many large hospitals, University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, and trained in the prestigious Odonto-Stomatology Department in Ho Chi Minh City.

 At the same time, Dr. Hai has nearly 10 out of 5 years of experience in the field of dentistry, knowledgeable about digital implant technology with many successful restorations.

4. Plug procedure

Dentists implant teeth according to professional processes, ensuring customer satisfaction

The process of implanting and planting Implant teeth basically consists of 7 steps as follows:

  •  Step 1: Customers are examined and consulted by the doctor on suitable implant restoration options, choosing the right type of Implant.
  •  Step 2: The customer is given a 3D CT scan for the molars and simulates the restoration results.  The doctor will take 3D pictures to better determine the condition of the teeth.  At the same time, customers will be able to see a simulated image of their teeth after being implanted.
  •  Step 3: The dentist takes a sample of the tooth impression and gives a specific treatment plan.
  •  Step 4: The doctor conducts implant placement for the customer in a sterile dental room.
  •  Step 5: Customers are attached temporary teeth through Abutment joints.  This is a step to help ensure chewing function and aesthetic factors while customers wait for porcelain teeth to be processed.
  •  Step 6: The dentist will proceed to attach the fixed porcelain teeth to the Implant.  At the same time, the doctor will carefully evaluate the strength of the Implant, the aesthetics of the teeth, to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the results.
  •  Step 7: Provide care instructions and assign specific follow-up appointments for customers.

 Step 1: The doctor examines and advises on suitable implant restoration options 

Step 2: Take a 3D CT scan and scan the area of ​​​​the teeth that need to be implanted.  Thereby, the doctor will select the appropriate type of implant based on the final prosthetic simulation design. 

Step 3: The customer is informed about the specific implant surgery plan, including bone grafting, soft tissue grafting and prosthetic type. 

Step 4: The doctor inserts the implant for the client in the operating room. 

Step 5: Temporary teeth are immediately attached to the implant to guide normal healing and improve aesthetics while waiting for implant-jawbone integration. 

Step 6: Take an impression to make permanent tooth restoration after 3 – 6 months as directed by the Doctor

Step 7: Attach the teeth on the implant.  Instructions on how to care and specific follow-up schedule for customers

5. Actual picture

Pictures of teeth before and after implant placement

 In short, Implant is a modern method of tooth restoration, helping you to own healthy and beautiful teeth.  But note that you need to go to a reputable dental center to be examined and given specific advice by a doctor.  Specialist doctors will give you the right solutions and meet your requirements.  Prestige will help you have the desired teeth gently and quickly with the most suitable method.


10.Tips for taking care of healthy and beautiful teeth from cosmetic dentist Phan Hoang Hai

Tips for taking care of healthy and beautiful teeth from cosmetic dentist Phan Hoang Hai

 Nowadays, people are starting to pay more attention to the health of their teeth, everyone wants to own a healthy and beautiful natural teeth.

 Teeth contribute to building a perfect smile, creating sympathy when communicating with people around.  Let’s refer to the advice of cosmetic dentist Phan Hoang Hai to get the secret to taking care of healthy teeth!

Beautiful healthy teeth bring confidence

Benefits of having healthy, beautiful teeth

Owning beautiful healthy teeth brings great values ​​to life that you may have never thought of. The benefits of owning beautiful and healthy teeth are most evident in two aspects:

  • Enhance aesthetic value

In modern society, the perception of beauty and aesthetics is gradually becoming an important factor in social interaction and the trend of finding people to work.

A face with an attractive smile is said to have more advantages in relationship building and career development. In the process of social interaction, most people tend to focus on the other person’s eyes and mouth, the charm of a perfect smile will create a strong association with the beauty of the face, sympathize with the other person.

Many views believe that aesthetic teeth are the factors that form an assessment of a person at first sight. The American Dental Association (ADA) conducted a survey about a person’s impressions and found that 87% of the survey group felt sympathetic when receiving a smile from others, even is a stranger.

  • Improve quality of life


Owning beautiful healthy teeth improves problems in life

Dental problems will cause discomfort, affecting your mood and chewing process.  Crowded teeth make it difficult for food to stick to the teeth, or decayed teeth cause a sharp pain all night, can’t sleep, …

 Taking good care of your teeth and gums will help you solve these problems and improve your quality of life.

 The advice of cosmetic dental prosthetist Phan Hoang Hai to take care of beautiful and healthy teeth

 In order to have a method of oral care, contributing to improving a smile that is not only healthy but also beautiful, bringing confidence in communication and life, cosmetic dentist Phan Hoang Hai shared:

 “You should entrust a qualified, reputable and reliable doctor to monitor your oral health regularly.  Should listen and follow the instructions of the doctor to quickly detect and improve problems when the mouth warns of bad signs.” 

Family dentists help take care of the whole family's oral health

Dr. Phan Hoang Hai added, family dental services are now very popular in developed countries, but in Vietnam very few people know about this service when in fact it still exists. The family dentist will closely follow the comprehensive oral health care process, understand the problems you face, the treatment and recovery process according to the body’s location, thereby giving the best advice.  suitable advice for you and your family.  Having a reputable companion dentist also helps you save time or costs incurred during the treatment of dental diseases.

 In addition, Dr. Phan Hoang Hai reminds everyone to regularly check their own oral health status.

 For people who have healthy and beautiful teeth, they should take care of their teeth by cleaning their teeth regularly, and limiting eating foods that are too hard to chip or break;  especially should go to scrape teeth 2 to 3 times a year to remove plaque that affects the health of teeth and gums.

Regular visits to quickly detect dental problems

 For teeth that have undergone treatment, it is necessary to periodically visit the doctor at the request of the doctor, take care of the teeth more carefully because they can be more prone to problems than with natural teeth.

 Everything that is put into the body goes through the mouth, so the condition of your teeth is also a factor that tends to affect your health.  Oral health affects both health and beauty, causing obstacles in life and activities.  Therefore, you need to be more concerned about this issue and take appropriate dental care measures.

 Hopefully the tips from Dr. Phan Hoang Hai can help you be more aware of the impact of health on life and activities.  At the same time, through the advice of your doctor, you can find a suitable oral care regimen. 


9.Difference between orthodontist and dentist

Difference between orthodontist and dentist

When it comes to oral health care and treatment, we will think of dentists first.  However, when beauty standards are raised, our needs not only stop at oral health care, but also need to show aesthetic beauty for the face.  This is the responsibility of an orthodontist. 

Aesthetic prosthodontists guarantee in the protection of oral health and the beauty of your smile

1. What is the difference between a prosthodontist and a dentist?

 In terms of expertise, the work of orthodontists and dentists all have one thing in common: taking care of and ensuring the oral health of their customers.  However, the task of a maxillofacial prosthodontist is not only to take care of oral health, but also to ensure aesthetics with the criterion of “both healthy and beautiful”.

 As for the doctors specializing in prosthodontics, they often work in the labs and laboratories of the dental facility.  The main job of these doctors is to process – manufacture and deploy methods for prosthetics, modeling for porcelain teeth, dentures, dental accessories (including beauty accessories), installation of dental implants.  tools to support disease treatment or facial shaping, orthodontic appliances for teeth (such as aligners, erasers, anti-snoring appliances, retainers…). 

The working corner of the orthodontist

 In addition, prosthodontists can also participate in the management and operation of prosthetic-related departments in a dental facility or run their own business at a private clinic.  core;  or work at units in the health sciences sector with the task of organizing, managing and operating departments related to dental prosthetics.

 Thus, a maxillofacial prosthodontist is not only a dentist, but also a comprehensive caretaker for the health and beauty related to the customers’ teeth.

 They will build a suitable route to change the oral condition and improve the customer’s appearance according to each person’s wishes.  At that time, the people who go to the orthodontist are customers who have a need to take care of and beautify their teeth, not stop at medical examination and treatment.  And at this time, the doctor will be the one to advise and provide services to the customer, accompanying the customer to achieve the best results by appropriate methods.

2. What was the journey to becoming a maxillofacial prosthodontist like?

Doctor Phan Hoang Hai shares his knowledge about cosmetic restorations

 As a reputable maxillofacial prosthodontist, MSc, Dr.  Phan Hoang Hai has gathered valuable experiences about the meaning of his work:

 “Masterior prosthetics and cosmetic dentistry are difficult specialties that require ingenuity and high aesthetic perception.  Therefore, the doctor needs serious investment in expertise to be able to restore the comprehensive beauty and radiant smile to his client.”

 Dr. Phan Hoang Hai has spent many years investing in his career, learning and researching in the field of cosmetic prosthetics at home and abroad.  At the same time, he himself constantly participates in professional competitions to improve his knowledge and experience, as well as reap excellent awards.

 For Dr. Hai, the journey to become a maxillofacial doctor is not an easy thing, requiring special investment in 3 aspects: knowledge – time – finance.  But above all, you must have passion to keep the fire burning, overcome difficulties and challenges at work.

3. What kind of customers does the orthodontist serve?

Most of the customers who come to the orthodontist orthodontist have a clear and strong desire to improve their oral health and appearance. 

Khách hàng muốn thay đổi diện mạo mới cho nụ cười sẽ tìm đến bác sĩ phục hình răng hàm mặt

Customers who want to change a new look for their smile will come to the orthodontist

 They may have had one or more symptoms of dental disease, or facial deformities such as:

 – Periodontal disease, inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity.

 – Tooth decay, pulpitis.

 – Teeth are cracked, chipped due to impact force.

 – Teeth that are displaced, missing teeth, or teeth in rows.

 – Jaw is pounced, protruded, protruded or underbite, concave due to birth or accident.


 When receiving these customers, the orthodontist will first advise and give a definitive treatment plan for oral diseases first, then continue the orthodontic steps according to the customer’s wishes.  such as attaching dentures, planting porcelain teeth, attaching jewelry … to beautify. 

The doctor advises the appropriate method before proceeding with the treatment

Good oral health will help customers feel secure and focus on the restoration process, bringing the best results, quickly, on the schedule advised by the doctor.

 During the restoration process, the doctor needs to continuously visit periodically, monitor the customer’s oral and maxillofacial condition to make timely adjustments, always share and guide customers to take care of their health.  dental health, peace of mind in the journey to regain beauty and confidence.

 With the sharing from the practical experience of Dr. Phan Hoang Hai, we hope to help you better understand the dental prosthetics industry and the work of the maxillofacial prosthodontist.

 If you are interested in issues related to the field of maxillofacial prosthetics, you can completely connect with Dr. Phan Hoang Hai to jointly build a community of young dentists, where sharing  Sharing and exchanging experiences contributes to building knowledge and skills to improve skills, helping the dental industry in Vietnam to develop more and more.